DayPoems, A Seven-Century Poetry Slam
Timothy Bovee, editor

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Project Gutenberg, a huge collection of books as text, produced as a volunteer enterprise starting in 1990. This is the source of the first poetry placed on DayPoems.
Tina Blue's Beginner's Guide to Prosody, exactly what the title says, and well worth reading., miniature, minimalist-inspired sculptures created from industrial cereamics, an art project at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon., More projects from Portland, Furby, Eliza, Mr_Friss and Miss_Friss.
Save Point 0.8.1, a Portland, Oregon, exhibit, Aug. 13-Sept. 5, 2004, at Disjecta.
D a y P o e m s
DayPoems: Index by Author
Abel, L. Ward
(21st Century
Adams, Arthur H.
(Born 6/6/1872)
Adams, Francis William Lauderdale
(Born 9/27/1862)
Addison, Joseph
Addo, Peter E Adotey
(21st Century
(21st Century
Aiken, Conrad
Ainslie, Hew
Akins, Zoe
Alexander Earl of Stirling, William
Alford, Henry
Allard, Donna
(21st Century
Allingham, William
Amer, Turki
(21st Century
Amos, Jacqueline
(21st Century
Andersen, Johannes Carl
(Born 3/14/1873)
Anderson, Margaret Steele
(13th Century
(14th Century
(15th Century
(16th Century
(17th Century
(18th Century
(18th Century
(19th Century
(21st Century
Arensberg, Walter Conrad
Armstrong-Jones, Zaynab
(21st Century
Arnold, Matthew
Asbury, Sherry
(21st Century
Ashe, Thomas
Ayton, Sir Robert
Baillie, Joanna
Baillie, Lady Grisel
Baker, Karle Wilson
Bannerman, Frances
(19th Century
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia
Barber, David L.
(21st Century
Barbour, John
(Died 1395)
Barker, Elsa
Barnefield, Richard
Barnes, S.
(21st Century
Barnes, William
Bates, Katharine Lee
Bathgate, Alexander
(Born 1845)
Bayldon, Arthur Albert Dawson
(Born 3/20/1865)
Beach, Cindi
(21st Century
Beaumont, Francis
Beaumont, Sir John
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
Beeching, Henry Charles
Behn, Aphra
Benet, Stephen Vincent
Benet, William Rose
Benson, Arthur Christopher
(Born 1862)
Berry, Deborah
(21st Century
Bevill, William
(21st Century
Binyon, Laurence
(Born 1869)
Bishop, Beverly
(21st Century
Black, Todd
(21st Century
Blake, William
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen
(Born 1840)
Bosch, Zachary
(21st Century
Bovee, Timothy
(Born 1946)
Bowles, William Lisle
Boyd, Mark Alexander
Boyd, Patrick
(21st Century
Bradley, William Aspinwall
Brady, Edwin James
(Born 8/7/1869)
Braithwaite, William Stanley
Branch, Anna Hempstead
Brennan, Christopher John
(Born 11/1/1870)
Brereton, John Le Gay
(Born 9/2/1871)
Breton, Nicholas
Bridges, Robert
(Born 1844)
Brome, Alexander
Bronte, Emily
Brother De Buff
(21st Century
Brown, Alice
Brown, Thomas Edward
Browne, of Tavistock, William
Browne (`Rolf Boldrewood'), Thomas Alexander
(Born 8/6/1826)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Brunne, Robert Mannyng of
Bunyan, John
Burchall, Junior
(21st Century
Burnet, Dana
Burns, Robert
Burr, Amelia Josephine
(Born 1878)
Burt, Maxwell Struthers
Burton, Richard
Butterfield, Edward
(21st Century
Bynner, Witter
Byrd, William
(16th Century
Byron, Lord Byron, George Gordon
Callanan, Jeremiah Joseph
Cambridge, Ada
(Born 11/21/1844)
Campbell, Thomas
Campion, Thomas
Carew, Thomas
Carlin, Francis
(Born 1881)
Carman, Bliss
(Born 1861)
Carman, Bliss
Carmona, Natalia
(21st Century
Cartwright, William
Castilla, Ethel
(19th Century
Cather, Willa Sibert
Cawein, Madison
Chapman, George
Chatterton, Thomas
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Cheney, John Vance
Childs, Bob
(21st Century
Christian, Anne
(21st Century
Cingolani, Charles L.
(21st Century
Clare, John
Clarke, Marcus
Cleghorn, Sarah N.
Clough, Arthur Hugh
Coates, Florence Earle
Colborne-Veel, Mary
(19th Century
Coleridge, Hartley
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, Sara
Colgan, James
(21st Century
Collier, Caitlin
(21st Century
Colton, Arthur
Concetta, Jennifer
(21st Century
Cone, Helen Gray
Congreve, William
Conkling, Grace Hazard
Connell, James
Constable, Henry
Consul, Melanie
(21st Century
Corbin, Alice
Cory, William (Johnson)
Cotton, Charles
Cowley, Abraham
Cox, Eleanor Rogers
(Died 1936)
Crabbe, George
Crapsey, Adelaide
Crashaw, Richard
Cromwell, Gladys
Cuaresma, Dysanne Allister R.
(21st Century
Cummings, Richard Thomas
(21st Century
Cummins, Andrew Patrick
(21st Century
Cunningham, Allan
Currie, Ernest
(Born 1884)
Cust, Henry
Cuthbertson, James Lister
(19th Century
Cutts, Lord Cutts, John
Dace, Ghan
(21st Century
Daley, Victor James
Daly, Thomas Augustine
Daniel, Samuel
(21st Century
Daniels, T.J.
(21st Century
Dargan, Olive Tilford
Darley, George
Daskam, Josephine Dodge
Davenant, Sir William
Davidson, John
Davies, Mary Carolyn
(20th Century
Davies, Sir John
Davies, William Henry
Davis, Fannie Stearns
(Born 1884)
Davison, F. or W.
(17th Century
Debii, Adeoye
(21st Century
De Casseres, Benjamin
Dekker, Thomas
Deniehy, Daniel Henry
De Vere, Aubrey
De Vere, Sir Aubrey
Dobell, Sydney
Dobson, Henry Austin
(Born 1840)
Domett, Alfred
Donne, John
Doolittle, Hilda "H.D."
Dowland, John
(17th Century
Drayton, Michael
Dreckman, Kathleen
(21st Century
Driscoll, Daniel
(21st Century
Driscoll, Louise
Drummond, of Hawthornden, William
Dryden, John
Duffus, Julian
(20th Century
Dumez, Cate
(21st Century
Dunbar, William
D'Urfey, Thomas
Duvernay, Joe
(21st Century
Dyson, Edward
(Born 3/5/1865)
Edwardes, Richard
Ekeris, Stephanie Van
(21st Century
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
Elliott, Ebenezer
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Etherege, Sir George
Evans, George Essex
(Born 6/18/1863)
Fanshawe, Sir Richard
Faria, Timothy
(21st Century
Farnworth, Jean
(21st Century
Farrell, John
Farrow, Mary Frances
(21st Century
Ferguson, Sir Samuel
Fernley, Rachael
(21st Century
Ficke, Arthur Davison
Firkins, Chester
Fisher, Mahlon Leonard
(Born 1874)
Fitzgerald, Edward
Flatman, Thomas
Fletcher, Giles
Fletcher, John
Fletcher, John Gould
Fletcher, Phineas
Foott, Mary Hannay
(Born 9/26/1846)
Ford, John
Forster, William
Foster, Jeanne Robert
Fox, George
(Born 1815)
French, Nora May
Frost, Robert
Furman, Kate Watkins
(21st Century
G., Nik
(21st Century
Gallienne, Richard Le
Gandhi, Madan G.
(21st Century
Garrison, Theodosia
Gascoigne, George
Gilmore, Mary
(Born 8/16/1865)
Giltinan, Caroline
(Born 1884)
Goodliffe, smilinmike
(21st Century
Gosse, Edmund
(Born 1849)
Graham, Marquis of Montrose, James
Grau, Kellyn A.
(21st Century
Graves, Robert
Greene, Robert
Greene, Sarah Pratt McLean
Greville, Fanny
(18th Century
Greville, Lord Brooke, Fulke
Griffin, Gerald
Griffith, William
Grimald, Nicholas
Guiney, Louise Imogen
Guiterman, Arthur
Habington, William
Hagedorn, Hermann
Hagge, Roland
(21st Century
Hankerson, Geneva
(21st Century
Harding, Ruth Guthrie
(Born 1882)
Hardy, Thomas
Harmon, Melyssa A.
(21st Century
Harte, Bret
Hawes, Stephen
(Died 1523)
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Hay, John
Hayes, Alfred
(20th Century
Helburn, Theresa
Hemans, Felicia Dorothea
Heney, Thomas William
(Born 11/1862)
Henley, William Ernest
Henryson, Robert
Herbert, George
Hernandez, Antonio
(21st Century
Herrick, Robert
Heywood, John
(16th Century
Heywood, Thomas
Hilgers, Gordon
(21st Century
Hill, Joe
Hinkson, Katharine Tynan
(Born 1861)
Hoccleve, Thomas
Hogg, James
Holdsworth, Philip Joseph
Hood, Thomas
Hoola, Luna
(21st Century
Horne, Richard Henry
Hovey, Richard
Howard Earl of Surrey, Henry
Howells, William Dean
(Born 1837)
Hoyt, Helen
Hughes, Jessica
(21st Century
Hume, Alexander
Hunt, Leigh
Hyde, Douglas
(Born 1861)
Hyland, Inez K.
Jagong, Ma.Francia Concepcion M.
(21st Century
James I, King
Jefferson, George Jerone
(21st Century
Jephcott, Sydney
(Born 11/30/1864)
Johns, Orrick
Johnson, Heather
(21st Century
Jones, Ebenezer
Jones, Jean
(21st Century
Jones, Sir William
Jones Jr., Thomas S.
Jonson, Ben
Jordan, Thomas
Keats, John
Keble, John
Kee, Sarah
(21st Century
Keeley, Chris
(21st Century
Kelly, John Liddell
(Born 2/19/1850)
Kemp, Harry
Kendall, Henry
Kendall, Henry Clarence
Kilmer, Aline
Kilmer, Joyce
King, Bishop of Chichester, Henry
Kingsley, Charles
Kipling, Rudyard
(Born 1865)
Knowles, Frederic Lawrence
Kobs, William August
(21st Century
Koerssen, Michelle
(21st Century
Kreymborg, Alfred
Krygsheld, Ruth
(21st Century
Lady Nairne, Carolina,
Lamb, Charles
Lamb, Mary
Lamont, Maggie
(21st Century
Landor, Walter Savage
Lang, Andrew
Lawson, Henry
(Born 6/17/1867)
LeBorgne, Jay
(21st Century
Ledoux, Louis V.
Lee, Agnes
Lee, Muna
Le Gallienne, Richard
(Born 1866)
Le Gallienne, Richard
Leonard, William Ellery
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindsay, Lady Anne
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel
Lindsay, Vachel
Locker-Lampson, Frederick
Lodge, George Cabot
Lodge, Thomas
Logan, John
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Loughran, Edward Booth
(Born 12/13/1850)
Lovelace, Richard
Lowell, Amy
Lydgate, John
Lyly, John
Lytton, Earl of Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer
Macaulay, Lord Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacDonald, George
Mackay, Jessie
(Born 12/15/1864)
MacKaye, Percy
Mahony, Francis
Mangan, James Clarence
(21st Century
Marie, Renee
(21st Century
Markham, Edwin
Marlowe, Christopher
Marr, William
(21st Century
Marshall, Joel R.
(21st Century
Marshall, John
(19th Century
Martin, Arthur Patchett
Martin, Jonathan
(21st Century
Marvell, Andrew
Masters, Edgar Lee
Mayer, Frederick J.
(21st Century
Mayne, Jasper
McCann, Paul
(21st Century
McCleary, Isaac
(21st Century
McCrae, John
McCrindle, Kristin
(21st Century
McNair, Alexander B.
McPhillips, William Brendan
(21st Century
Mercedes, Angel
(21st Century
Meredith, George
Metcalfe, John
(21st Century
Meynell, Alice
(Born 1850)
Michael, James Lionel
Middleton, Scudder
Mifflin, Lloyd
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Milnes, Lord Houghton, Richard Monckton
Milton, John
Misenheimer, Catherine R.
(21st Century
Moloney, Patrick
Monroe, Harriet
Moody, William Vaughn
Moore, Thomas
Moore, T. Sturge
(Born 1870)
Morgan, Angela
Morris, Sandra E.
(21st Century
Morris, William
Morton, David
Munday, Anthony
Murray, Andrew
(21st Century
Nanes, Justina S.
(21st Century
Nashe, Thomas
Neihardt, John G.
Nelson, Barbara
(21st Century
Newbolt, Henry
(Born 1862)
Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
Norton, Grace Fallow
(Born 1876)
O'Brien, Edward J.
O'Conor, Norreys Jephson
(21st Century
O'Dowd, Bernard
(Born 4/11/1866)
Ogilvie, Will. H.
(Born 8/21/1869)
O'Hara, John Bernard
(Born 10/29/1864)
O'Hara, John Myers
Okabayashi, Brian
(21st Century
Oldham, John
Olson, Victoria
(21st Century
Oppenheim, James
(21st Century
O'Reilly, Dowell
(Born 1865)
O'Reilly, John Boyle
O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar
O Sheel, Shaemas
Otway, Thomas
(21st Century
Paine, Thomas
Paramore, Quedell
(21st Century
Parker, Gilbert
(Born 1862)
Parkes, Sir Henry
Paterson (`Banjo'), Andrew Barton
(Born 2/17/1864)
Patmore, Coventry
Peabody, Josephine Preston
Peacock, Thomas Love
Peele, George
Percy, William Alexander
Pereira, Thobias A.
(21st Century
Philips ('Orinda'), Katherine
Phillips, Jennifer Kathleen
(21st Century
Philpot, William
Piper, Edwin Ford
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pordon, Judith
(21st Century
Pow, Margaret
(21st Century
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
Prior, Matthew
Provost, Dan
(21st Century
(21st Century
Quarles, Francis
Quinn, Patrick Edward
(Born 3/17/1862)
Quinn, Roderic
(Born 11/26/1869)
Ragland, Jasmine R.
(21st Century
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ramsey, Tom
(21st Century
Randolph, Thomas
Rands, William Brighty
Reese, Lizette Woodworth
Rehling, Michael
(21st Century
Reynolds, John
(16th Century
Rice, Cale Young
Richardson, Robert
Riley, James Whitcomb
Road, Rocky
(21st Century
Roberts, Charles G. D.
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt
Robinson, Edward Arlington
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Rogers, Robert Cameron
Rolleston, T. W.
(Born 1857)
Rosenfeld, Morris
Ross, David MacDonald
(Born 1865)
Rossetti, Christina Georgina
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rowe, Henry
Rowe, Richard
Rowlands, Richard
Ruskin, John
Russell, Deborah
(21st Century
Russell ('A. E.'), George William
(Born 1853)
Sackville, Earl of Dorset, Charles
Sandburg, Carl
Sandes, John
(Born 2/26/1863)
Santayana, George
Schauffler, Robert Haven
Schneider, Myra
(21st Century
Scollard, Clinton
Scott, Walter
Scott, William Bell
Sedley, Sir Charles
Seeger, Alan
Selina, Lady Dufferin, Helen
Shakespeare, William
Shallows, Van
(21st Century
Shanafelt, Clara
(20th Century
Shaw, Bernard
(21st Century
Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire, John
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shepard, Odell
Sherman, Frank Dempster
Shirley, James
Sidney, Sir Philip
Sigerson, Dora
(Born 1918)
Simpson, Martha M.
(Born 5/3/1869)
Sinclair, M. A.
(19th Century
Skelton, John
Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton
(Born 2/5/1856)
Smith, Alexander
Smith, Archie
(21st Century
Smith, Gary R.
(21st Century
Smith, May Riley
Smith, Rebecka
(21st Century
Smith, Rose Elizabeth
(20th Century
Soleil, Julien
(21st Century
Sorenson, Kenneth
(21st Century
Sorestad, Glen
(21st Century
Southey, Caroline
Southey, Robert
Southwell, Robert
Spenser, Edmund
Speyer, Leonora
Stanley, Thomas
Stephens, James Brunton
Sterling, George
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevenson, William
Stickney, Trumbull
Stonebreaker, Anita Raye (Willis)
(21st Century
Stork, Charles Wharton
Storrie, Agnes L.
(19th Century
Strode, William
Suckling, Sir John
Sweeney, Mildred McNeal
(Born 1871)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Sykes Jr., Royce W.
(21st Century
Sylvester, Joshua
Tamil, Malar
(21st Century
Taylor, Sir Henry
Teasdale, Sara
Tedford, Janet
(21st Century
Tennyson, Frederick
Tennyson, Lord Tennyson, Alfred
Thom, William
Thomas, Edith M.
Thompson, Francis
Thomson, James
Thurlow, Lord Thurlow, Edward
Tietjens, Eunice
Todhunter, John
(21st Century
Torrence, Ridgely
Towne, Charles Hanson
Traherne, Thomas
Tripper, Izzy A.
(21st Century
Trull, Thomas
(21st Century
Turmail, Sandy Kay
(21st Century
Turner, Charles Tennyson
Turner, Ethel
(Born 1/24/1872)
Twisleton, Henry Lea
(Born 11/9/1847)
Ullrson, Cullyn
(21st Century
Untermeyer, Jean Start
Untermeyer, Louis
Untermeyere, Louis
Upson, Arthur
Urban, Scott
(21st Century
Van Slyke, Penny J
(21st Century
Vasquez, Aileen
(21st Century
Vaughan, Henry
Viereck, George Sylvester
Wade, Thomas
Walker, William Sidney
Waller, Edmund
Walsh, Thomas
Walsh, William
Walter Scott, Sir
Ward, J. Chester
(21st Century
Watson, William
(Born 1858)
Wattles, Willard
Watts-Dunton, Theodore
Webbe, Charles
(17th Century
Webster, Chris
(21st Century
Webster, John
(Died 1630?)
Webster, Quintin
(21st Century
Welsh, Robert Gilbert
(Died 1924)
Wentworth, William Charles
(21st Century
Werner, Alice
(Born 1859)
Wever, Robert
(16th Century
Wheeler, Edward J.
Wheelock, John Hall
Whitman, Walt
Whitney, George Charles
(Born 5/25/1884)
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Widdemer, Margaret
Wilcox, Dora
(Born 1873)
Wilde, Oscar
Wilkinson, Florence
(Born 1878)
Wilkinson, Marguerite
Williams, Michael
(21st Century
Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, John
Wilson, Mrs. James Glenny
(Born 6/11/1848)
Winer, James
(21st Century
Wither, George
Wolfe, Charles
Wood, Clement
Woodberry, George Edward
Woods, Margaret L.
(Born 1856)
Wordsworth, William
Wotton, Sir Henry
Wright, Abigail M.
(21st Century
Wright, David McKee
(Born 8/6/1869)
Wyatt, Sir Thomas
Yamusangie, Frederick Kambemba
(21st Century
Yeats, William Butler
(Born 1865)
Young, Tom
(21st Century
Zazovsky, Maria
(21st Century
Zimmerman, Mark
(21st Century
Zlomke, Jennifer
(21st Century
Zola, Richard
(21st Century
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